
Learn about our main sustainability themes!

Main sustainability themes

Syklo is an equal and diverse organisation. Our core values are humanity, entrepreneurship, courage, and agility. We want to be a meaningful employer whose operations genuinely offers effective opportunities for circular economy heroes.

Sustainability drives our entire value chain. We are reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of virgin materials and replacing fossil fuels by developing bio- and waste-based alternatives. We want to significantly increase the recycling rate of materials and raw materials by redirecting waste to be recovered and processing it into new materials and products.

Learn about our main sustainability themes below!

Ihminen maalaa taulua, jossa on vaaleanpunaista, keltaista ja sinistä.


We want to be the most energetic workplace in Finland. We allow everyone to be themselves and harness both their expertise and passion for concrete action in a well-managed organisation. We challenge ourselves and our partners to engage in collaborative teamwork that goes beyond traditional corporate and organisational practices. Our operations are characterised by the joy, belief, and ability to do better, as well as a desire to do good, tangible acts.

Työntekijä seisoo ja katsoo lampulla laitteita työturvallisuusvaatteet ja välineet päälle puettuna.

Occupational safety

We want to guarantee our employees and contractors safe working days a hundred per cent of the time. In 2023, we especially developed our occupational safety culture and preventative safety work. In our operations, we take into account the occupational safety of not only our own employees, but also that of our contractors.

Nuori ihminen katsoo auton ikkunasta ja hymyilee.

Customer centricity

We have set our strategic course to be customer-centric. We listen, anticipate, and respond to the needs of our customers. It is also essential for us that our customers trust our sustainable operations and value our contribution as a local builder of well-being.

Nuori ihminen juoksee kesäisessä metsässä.

We promote ethical and sustainable practices in our supply chain

We work closely with our suppliers to further develop the sustainability of our entire supply chain. We require all of our partners to commit to the ethical guidelines for suppliers set by our owner, Oulun Energia.

Jätteiden lajittelua kuvattuna ilmasta.

Annual and Sustainability Report

We review our finances and our sustainability work as part of Oulun Energia’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023.

Office worker at Syklo.


Solistinkatu 4,
90140 Oulu

Pohjoisesplanadi 39,
00100 Helsinki

waste hand to hand.

Waste reception

Ruskonseläntie 21, 
90620 Oulu

Kerkkolankatu 40,
05800 Hyvinkää