Kuva lintuperspektiivistä jätteenlajittelulaitoksesta.

Driving directions and arrival

Arrival and driving directions for the Rusko waste sorting plant and unloading instructions.


Syklo Oy | Ruskonseläntie 21
Control room +358 40 676 6070
Emergency number 112

The sorting plant reception is open for deliveries on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
On Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m from 1 April to 30 November.

The gate is accessible via Ruskonseläntie.

The speed limit in this area is 30 km/h.

You must follow safety instructions in the area.

Do not bring hazardous waste to the waste sorting plant

  • pressure-impregnated timber
  • asbestos
  • batteries
  • gas cylinders, aerosols, extinguishers, explosives
  • energy-saving lamps, fluorescent lamps, and compact fluorescent lamps
  • waste oils and oil filters
  • solvents (turpentine, paint thinners, gasoline, acetone)
  • plant protection products and pesticides
  • cooler liquids, brake fluids, and clutch fluids

We do not accept:

  • domestic waste/organic waste
  • WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment), household appliances

Driving directions

Saapuminen Syklon Ruskon jätteiden lajittelulaitokselle.

Arrival at the gate A

  • The driver must be informed of what waste they are bringing to the plant.
  • The gate is open from 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • When delivering loads outside the gate opening hours, the vehicle must have a vehicle detection sensor.
  • In cases of problems at the gate, contact the sorting plant control room +358 40 676 6070

Load weighing B

If the vehicle in question has not previously delivered loads to the Syklo waste sorting plant, please make sure that the registration number of the vehicle is in the weighing system before driving on the scale.

If the car has not been registered in the system, it cannot be weighed. To confirm if it has been registered, please contact Jari Niskanen, +358 40 653 0229 (8 a.m.–4 p.m.). Otherwise, contact the control room.

Arrival weighing:

  1. Select Syklo.
  2. Approve the weight weighed by the scales, proceed to vehicle selection.
  3. Enter the registration number of the vehicle and select it.
  4. Select the waste sorting plant (this has been pre-selected, approve it using the green OK key).
  5. Select the load arriving at or departing the sorting plant.
  6. Fill in the supplier, material, and the point of discharge. Fill in the departure storage and number/batch if required. Add a load note if desired.
  7. Save the load.

Departure weighing:

  1. Select Syklo.
  2. Select the vehicle registration number from the arrival weighted vehicles.
  3. Check the information and modify it if necessary. Add a load note if the load was atypical or the data could not be entered correctly.
  4. Add any additional services, such as skip cleaning.
  5. Check the information and save the load. If you find that the weighing information is incorrect or the receipt does not print, please contact Syklo staff.


After weighing, you must contact the machine operators using the CB radio (channel FM2). If the CB radio is missing, contact the machine operator in person.

  • When moving in the area, please take other traffic and possible pedestrians into account.
  • When exiting a vehicle, you must always use appropriate protective equipment.
  • When dumping inside the sorting arena, beware of the ceiling joists.
Purkuohjeet Larelle Syklo

Unloading instructions for low-quality construction and demolition waste in Besthall G

Low-quality construction and demolition waste is to be unloaded at the opening at the end of Besthall, which is located on the side of the sorting arena. The unloading point has been marked with an arrow on the map.

Kenttäpurkkupaikka Syklo